Bojole Agency отзывы. Мошенник или нет?
Сфера деятельности: Маркетинг и реклама
Регионы работы:
Просмотры: 843
Описание деятельности:
Сфера деятельности: Маркетинг и реклама
Регионы работы:
Просмотры: 843
Описание деятельности:
Bojole research is mid-sized quantitative marketing research agency with a focus on Segmentation studies and Conjoint studies for NPD research as well as price research and concept screen
Our proprietary tools include Measuring new subscribers (mobile market) Measuring ROI for national promo campaigns (FMCG markets)
Our experience and expertise spans a wide range of industry sectors from FMCG to finance but our main focus is on telecom and digital markets. At the moment Bojole employs 35 full-time researchers and field managers and 7 persons in administrative staff; company also operates its own call-center with a staff more than 120 interviewers and focus-group and PAPI processing facilities which employ team of 11 field-girls. We offer a friendly working environment and a competitive salary.