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Отзыв о работодателе «Globish» Добавлен: 01.12.2019

Основное название: Globish
Телефон: +7 (925) 517-32-42 +7 (495) 517-32-42
Email: [email protected]
Сфера деятельности: Тренинги и образование
Регионы работы: Москва, , Красногорск,
Рейтинг компании:
  • Рейтинг /5,0

Просмотры: 14102
Всего отзывов: 22
Описание деятельности:
Центр Иностранных Языков "GLOBISH" - это стабильная и быстроразвивающаяся компания, которая предлагает изучение иностранных языков людям всех возростов: взрослым и детям. Мы предлагаем нашим ученикам качественное образование по доступной цене, а нашим сотрудникам высокую заработную плату, ежегодные поездки в Европу с целью повышения квалификации, официальное трудоустройство, полный соц. пакет и премии за неоценимый вклад в развитие Центра Иностранных Языков "GLOBISH".  За небольшой промежуток времени, который мы работаем в Москве, мы заключили контракты с ведущими Университетами и Школами Европы: в Испании, Италии, Франции и Германии. Мы рады сотрудничать как со специалистами со стажем, так и без, которых мы сможем обучить прекрасной професии - преподаватель иностранных языков.  Язык - это не только способ общения, но и большие перспективы. Осуществить нашу задачу нам помогает продуманная система и методика обучения, высокая квалификация преподавателей, современные учебные материалы, а также постоянный контроль за качеством предлагаемых услуг! Приходите к нам, ведь мы точно знаем, что с "GLOBISH" возможно всё!  Сотрудничество с Центром Иностранных Языков "GLOBISH" - это правильное решение! Мы любим наших сотрудников и приглашаем Вас к нам на работу!
Автор: АРТЕМ(Бывший сотрудник)

Положительные стороны компании


Отрицательные стороны компании

ДРУЗЬЯ ТЕКСТ НА АНГЛ ЯЗЫКЕ, ДЛЯ ТЕХ КТО ПРИЕЗЖАЕТ ПОРАБОТАТЬ В РОССИИ И ОТ ИМЕНИ ТЕХ КТО УЖЕ РАБОТАЛ В ЭТОЙ КОМПАНИИ. My ex colleagues are right, there are a tons of disadvantages In this company. Personally it is also the worst place I've ever worked so far. I'm very disappointed of my ex colleagues here, how can't they see the truth??!! Are you so blinded guys? The conditions of this company are insane!!!. I have seen with my own eyes how all of you were complaining when we had little opportunities to exchange couple of words and now how can you be so hypocrites to post good things about this company!?!?! Come on guys! just to have good computers, books, projectors and rather big classroom this doesn't make the school to be good, these are just the basic set of thing you must have to start a business like this, the rest and all of our complains start because of lack of wisdom from the managers (Natalia and Alexsandr) Alexandr Aleksandrovich: owner of the company and doesn't know any English or other language. Not communicative at all, he just wants the money and doesn't care about other's wellness. He doesn't greet teachers unless teachers do it. Very impolite and prepotent person. At the moment you want to express your opinion he increases the voice so you can't express yourself this way. Is the Manager of the slaves (teachers). Natalia Aleksandrovna: Wife of the owner. Also interested just in the business, money but not in the slaves. To have a diploma of Italian language doesn't make you to be ’methodologist’ or you think that the students of Globish 1 or 2 (group of kids under 6 years old) learn with that 'method' you created in that book? Stupid games, stupid videos of cartoons singing in native English, watching youtube videos of 'hello, how are you' at the beginning.... and so on... do you really think that this helps??????? Well, we all know that it is part of the business to make the courses longer but this is to scam people and this is illegal. I want to mention that some of the good comments below are arranged. Evgenia is a current starschiy prepodavatel, but not ex employee, so this comment is not true. Shadi is a current teacher so he was also told to write a good review for this company (but not ex worker) But Baha, my friend, you are a smart guy, how could you be used to write such a good comment??!! How much did they pay you? Come on, I saw you complaining in front of us, no day off sometimes, working from the early morning till night, tired, hungry, sleepy, walking from the Uspenskaya to the Izumrudny 3 times a day under the snow just for a Skype lesson? (These are the furthest centers) How can they be part of your family just because they offered us the Registration in their adress, this is the method they use with everyone to control people's life and for them to be linked and forced to work in Globish till the end of times, while they are and were playing with teachers like puppets. Same with Alex (working more than 200 hours months with no right of complaint) and a couple of others guys. Would good people charge us, their teachers, to take a course of russian language in the same company? (because they disscounted this lessons from our salary) If you all want to know, twice I was told that my classes were too good and I was advised (forced, to be honest) to follow the stupid slow book for the course to take more time. If we are talking about education and language learning, this is the worst place.