Universum Communications Sweden AB отзывы. Мошенник или нет?
Сайт: universumglobal.com
Сфера деятельности: Маркетинг и реклама
Регионы работы:
Просмотры: 376
Описание деятельности:
Сфера деятельности: Маркетинг и реклама
Регионы работы:
Просмотры: 376
Описание деятельности:
Universum is an international company which specialises in the field of employer branding*. Founded in 1988, its goal was to improve communication between students and the employers who want to recruit them. Today, Universum’s mission is to help employers excel in recruitment and retention by ensuring improvements to their employer brand. Universum delivers a full range of services in research, strategic consulting and communication solutions that enable employers to better understand, attract and retain current and future ideal employees. Universum is a trusted partner to 1,200 clients, including many Fortune 500 companies, and co-operates with 1,500 universities worldwide to conduct research on the career and employer preferences of top talent. Last year, Universum surveyed over 400,000 students and professionals worldwide. The group head office is located in Stockholm, the regional head offices are located in Philadelphia (Americas), Cologne & London (Europe) and Shanghai (Asia).