Habidatum отзывы. Мошенник или нет?
Сайт: habidatum.com
Сфера деятельности: IT компании: разработка и сервис
Регионы работы:
Просмотры: 1061
Описание деятельности:
Сфера деятельности: IT компании: разработка и сервис
Регионы работы:
Просмотры: 1061
Описание деятельности:
http://habidatum.com/ Habidatum is assisting urban planners, researchers and professional experts in measuring and managing dynamic urban communities through advanced data analysis. Services are built around powerful urban data platform capable to collect, store, process, analyze and visualize quantitative and qualitative urban data. This platform makes possible real-time interaction with spontaneous data (social media posts, cell phone signals, sensor information et al.) through the customized visualization interfaces and its transformation into ready-to-use indicators and visual patterns. Among the applications tested in Habidatum’s projects are: identifying target audience for urban projects, increasing neighborhood satisfaction, space-time use assessment and modelling, crowd management, transportation network optimization, measuring alternative statistics. The analytical relevance of the platform to the current urban agenda is guaranteed by a group of highly professional urban specialists working for Habidatum in various parts of the world: our analysts, data scientists, interactive designers and developers are customizing the platform for the use in urban projects in Europe, USA, Middle East and South Asia. Habidatum is closely integrated into the academic network across the globe (universities, research labs, think tanks).