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Charles River Discovery Research Services отзывы. Мошенник или нет?

Сфера деятельности: Медицинские услуги и оздоровление
Регионы работы:
Рейтинг компании:
  • Рейтинг /5,0

Просмотры: 1158
Описание деятельности:
National BioService LLC (NBS) was launched in March, 2014 and is the first in Russia commercial research biobank and bioservice. NBS offers its customers a wide range services focused around the sourcing, processing, analysis and management of biological samples and development of cell and tissue based products.   National BioService is the first and still the only organization in Russia operating according to the requirements of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories — ISBER.   The main governing principles of NBS are as follows: professionalism and responsibility compliance with the international quality standards flexibility and development of partner relationships strict adherence to the highest ethical standards The team behind NBS has advanced academic qualifications from the top-rated UK and US universities and many years of technical and managerial experience at the leading international and domestic biomedical research and service organisations.   NBS operates its own laboratory equipped with all the necessary kit for cell and molecular biology and offering high level of security for sample and information storage.   All services provided by NBS have the advantage of standardization, uniformity and low variability facilitated by an SOP-driven Quality Management System.   The main categories of services offered by NBS are as follows: Biobanking — ethical sourcing and management of bio-specimens with required characteristics, annotation and storage/fixation formats; sample fixation and preservation; Bioanalytics — processing, fragmentation, analysis and quality control of biological samples; Cell and tissue culture — creation, maintenance, expansion and characterization of cell and tissue cultures; DNA/RNA-technologies and bioinformatics — a variety of molecular biology techniques as well as the bioinformatics analyses supporting their use are available; Cell and tissue products — development and manufacturing of normal and/or diseased tissue macroarrays (TMAs). Sample Annotation NBS pays particular attention to the completeness and integrity of information accompanying biological samples. Annotation of samples and information management are performed inFreezerPro software widely used in biobanking. FreezerPro allows us to store information ranging from physical location to the detailed clinical annotation of samples, perform instant searches, keep a record of all changes in the system and to perform audits. Importantly, while NBS endeavors to obtain as much information as possible about the samples it sources, all samples are anonymized and donors de-identified.   Disease areas NBS operates in a wide range of disease areas, such as: Cardio-vascular, Oncology, Hematology, Rheumatology, Infection, Endocrine and metabolic disease. Collection of samples from defined population groups is also possible.   Ethics NBS takes ethics extremely seriously. All sample collections are performed in accordance with local legal and ethics requirements and all prospectively collected samples are accompanied by Informed Consent provided by the donor.   Partnership NBS is building a country-wide network of technology and sample sourcing partners in Russia. We are always glad to welcome new partners and will ensure the win-win nature of our collaboration.

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