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Аviko RUS отзывы. Мошенник или нет?

Сфера деятельности: Продукты питания и напитки
Регионы работы:
Рейтинг компании:
  • Рейтинг /5,0

Просмотры: 752
Описание деятельности:
Aviko has created value from potatoes for more than 50 years and, since its establishment in 1962, has grown to become a European market leader of fresh, frozen and dried potato products. Aviko is also one of the four largest potato processors in the world. Aviko is backed by the financial strength of the Dutch company Royal Cosun, with its annual turnover of € 2.2 billion. This allows us to invest in our continued growth. Aviko Potato Products is the largest division within the Aviko group. It is engaged in the production and sales of potato products. This takes place from 'land to customer': potatoes are purchased by our own Aviko Potato purchasing organisation, and subsequently processed into chilled or frozen potato products in one of our 12 factories in Europe. Aviko headquarters is located in Steenderen, the Netherlands and regional (CEE) office in Gdynia, Poland.